


“Having grappled with weight concerns throughout my entire life, I am elated to share a transformative experience with a program that has proven effective. Over the course of ten months, I have successfully shed over 100 pounds, resulting in a significant enhancement of my overall well-being and energy levels.

One notable aspect of this program is its flexibility, allowing the enjoyment of desired foods in reduced portions while ensuring a sense of fullness and satisfaction. Remarkably, I encountered no adverse side effects throughout my journey, attesting to the program's safety and efficacy.

The structured nature of the program facilitated its seamless integration into my lifestyle, contributing to its ease of adherence. This journey has not only altered my physical appearance but has also positively impacted my day-to-day life, instilling a newfound sense of vitality.

In expressing my gratitude for this transformative experience, I extend my thanks to the program's creators for providing a comprehensive and effective solution that has significantly improved my quality of life.”


“Over a decade, I gradually gained 55 pounds, experimenting with various diets and keto without success. Recognizing the need for a sustainable solution, I embarked on a Semaglutide regimen under Andrea's guidance. In the past 6 months, I've effectively shed 60 pounds, experiencing newfound well-being.

Andrea's expert counsel, coupled with the appetite-suppressing effects of Semaglutide, has made this weight loss journey remarkably facile. The AR Virtual Health program provided valuable insights into dietary habits, enabling me to not only lose weight but also maintain it successfully.

Remarkably, I achieved this transformation without stepping into a gym, incorporating simple daily walks. Increased energy levels and improved overall well-being now allow me to actively engage with my family without the previous pain or fatigue. Sincere gratitude to Andrea, Ryan, and AR Virtual Health for positively impacting and transforming my life.”

We are truly SO PROUD of our clients for stepping out of their comfort zone and TRUSTING our team to help them reach a new level of confidence and happiness.


Client Reviews